function injectAsidebar(jQuery) { jQuery.fn.asidebar = function asidebar(status) { switch (status) { case "open": var that = this; // fade in backdrop if ($(".aside-backdrop").length === 0) { $("body").append("
"); } $(".aside-backdrop").addClass("in"); function close() { $(that).asidebar.apply(that, ["close"]); } // slide in asidebar $(this).addClass("in"); $(this).find("[data-dismiss=aside], [data-dismiss=asidebar]").on('click', close); $(".aside-backdrop").on('click', close); break; case "close": // fade in backdrop if ($("").length > 0) { $(".aside-backdrop").removeClass("in"); } // slide in asidebar $(this).removeClass("in"); break; case "toggle": if($(this).attr("class").split(' ').indexOf('in') > -1) { $(this).asidebar("close"); } else { $(this).asidebar("open"); } break; } } } // support browser and node if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined") { injectAsidebar(jQuery); } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = injectAsidebar; }